Monday, March 7, 2011



It's bee a while since I updated, hasn't it?

The difference between this time and all the others is that I actually have an excuse. I've been busy - really busy - so busy that busy people look at me and say, "wow, that dude's pretty damn busy."

First and foremost the first issue of THE BAD GUYS has finally found its way to e-readers everywhere! (Click the picture above for purchase details)

It's a decent little read at a decent little price and I PROMISE you that if you stick with the series you'll like what you see. I've wrapped up the second issue, and not only does the book really pick up, but it ends with a surprise that you won't see coming.

Unless you're me - then you might have seen it.

Also, for those of you out there that read my stuff back in the day when I was blogging on a regular basis, I posted a guest blog over at

You can find it here: The Business of Art

While you're there check out the LitUnderground site. I'm going to be working closely with them to get out the final two Forts books, as well as a special edition of the first one.

Good people.

Scratch that - great people.

It's an honor to have my name alongside any of them.

Lastly, I am going to make a REAL attempt to update this place a bit more - especially considering all the stuff going on right now. If I don't toss up (at the very LEAST) a sketch sometime this week, I'm giving you permission to punch me in the face.

Full power.

You can wind up.


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